About Us
We are passionate about enabling each person to achieve their potential, provide quality accommodation and one to one mentoring support to guide young /adults towards independence
Our Aims
Our Aim at Elim Care Solution is to prevent homelessness, insecurity, socially excluded, independency and be able to maintain a tenancy when they leave care in an environment, which leavers can be proud of and feel able to invite family and friends
Our Vision
We want to ensure our young adults to independence and self reliance, equipping them with all the skills and confidence they need to lead healthy, happy and fulfilling lives and be valuable members of our society.
Our Principle
Quality care
Openness and transparency
Involvement of the care leavers in decisions which affects them individually and collectively
Networking, multi-agency collaboration and benchmarking best practices
Our Mission
To ensure we provide a supportive environment for care leavers in which, with guidance they can assess themselves realistically and determine there own option